Ophrys apifera.
Ophrys abeille.
Bee orchid
The Bee Ophrys. Ophrys apifera : A discreet orchid but not rare in France. Its small size (between 10 and 30 cm) hides it in the sometimes tall grass but it also happens to find stems of more than 50 cm. It is one of the last Ophrys to flower (May to June). The design on the labellum can vary but the short and compact shape prevents confusion with other ophrys. The 3 sepals are generally more or less dark pink, and can also tend towards white. The dorsal sepal is often very far back. The two lateral petals are very atrophied and hairy: this is an important element for identification. The gibbosities are hairy.
The species can self-fertilize which contributes to its "clonic" spread from a single individual. Eucera (bees) can also pollinate flowers and sometimes help create hybrids.
We can find atypical individuals which according to their recurrence of form or coloration have a variety name (trollii, friburgensis...). This species is a treat for lovers of lusus or varieties.
It is found in almost all French departments on calcareous soils and in full light, in semi-shaded orchards, rarely above 1000 m altitude. It invites itself into some private lawns as long as seeds arrive spontaneously and it is allowed to grow between April and June without mowing it inadvertently...