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Dactylorhiza incarnata.
Orchis incarnat.
Early marsh orchid.

The Pyramidal Orchid was moved from the genus Orchis to the genus Anacamptis in 1817. It has since been joined by other species that are morphologically quite different. It is genetic analyses that sometimes enlighten us on the relationships of different species and not always their similarities.

Anacamptis pyramidalis is a species with a wide geographical presence and often has very high population densities. It is also, in the opinion of many observers, a species in full expansion.

Little subject to variation apart from size (from 15 to 50 cm), its color can vary slightly from a light pink to almost vermilion red. A hypochromic (white) specimen can sometimes be found within a population.

The flowering period can be all the wider as it is spread in a department with strong variations in altitude or exposure. It will be found from the end of April in the South until the end of June generally in the other departments.

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© 2020 by Pascal decologne
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